Coin tray

A coin tray may be found on the dashboard on the central tunnel according to

A coin tray may be found on the dashboard on the central tunnel according to the versions.

    See also:

    Periodic Safety Checks You Should Make OutsideThe Vehicle
    Tires Examine tires for excessive tread wear and uneven wear patterns. Check for stones, nails, glass, or other objects lodged in the tread or sidewall. Inspect the tread for cuts and cracks. Ins ...

    Proper downshifting will improve fuel economy and prolong engine life. CAUTION! If you skip more than one gear while downshifting or downshift at too high a vehicle speed, you could damage the en ...

    Diesel engines
    If the outside temperature is very low, the diesel thickens due to the formation of paraffins and could clog the diesel fuel filter. In order to avoid these problems, different types of diesel are ...