Rubber hoses

As far as the brake system and fuel rubber hoses are concerned, carefully follow the “Service schedule” in this section.

Indeed ozone, high temperatures and prolonged lack of fluid in the system may cause hardening and cracking of the hoses, with possible leaks. Careful control is therefore necessary.

    See also:

    Driving style
    Starting Do not warm the engine with the car at a standstill or at idle or high speed: under these conditions the engine warms up much more slowly, increasing electrical consumption and emissions ...

    Left-hand and right-hand direction indicator
    (green - intermittent) (Natural Power versions) The warning light turns on when the direction indicator control lever is moved downwards or, together with the right indicator, when the hazard war ...

    Gear Ranges
    DO NOT race the engine when shifting from PARK or NEUTRAL into another gear range. PARK This range supplements the parking brake by locking the transmission. The engine can be started in this rang ...