Start&Stop system and Gear Shift Indicator

With respect for the environment and fuel economy still in mind, the new model implements a system called Start&Stop. Standard on all engines, this device temporarily stops the engine and restarts it to reduce fuel consumption and noise levels in the passenger compartment when activated. In these situations, which are typical of heavy traffic in urban areas and when stopped at traffic lights, when the control strategy permits, the system automatically cuts out the engine in order to reduce fuel consumption and emissions by up to 15% for an urban route and by 3.5 to 4% over an NEDC-type cycle.

Finally, the Gear Shift Indicator (GSI) combined with the Start&Stop system is a "co-pilot" that discreetly suggests when to shift gear, leading to more efficient use of the engine in terms of fuel consumption. By means of a signal on the instrument panel, the GSI may suggest shifting up a gear to make the engine burn a leaner mixture or shift down to make best use of the available torque.

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